The adaptation communication is an important reporting instrument under the Paris Agreement. It was established to increase the visibility and profile of adaptation and its balance with mitigation, to inform the global stocktake and to enhance learning and understanding of adaptation needs and actions.
Under Article 7 of the Paris Agreement, governments are encouraged to periodically submit and update an adaptation communication (AdComm), which may include information on adaptation priorities, implementation and support needs, plans and actions. Countries may submit their adaptation communication, as appropriate, as a component of or in conjunction with other communications and/or documents, such as national adaptation plans [1] (NAPs), national communications (NCs), biennial transparency reports (BTRs) or nationally determined contributions (NDCs) or as a standalone document.
AdComm-DAT supports countries that decide to prepare and submit their adaptation communication as a standalone document. The tool aims to offer non-prescriptive guidance and reduce the reporting burden to a minimum by providing a structure along the proposed elements of an adaptation communication, contained in decision 9/CMA.1 of the Paris rulebook. The elements defined in the annex of 9/CMA.1 can then be tailored to the specific countries’ needs.
Questions corresponding to these elements can be answered within the webtool and are automatically transferred into a separate document serving as a first draft of a country’s adaptation communication. Alternatively, the Word version can be used for offline drafting upon registration and login.
[1] Guidance on the formulation and implementation of NAPs is provided by the UNFCCC Least Developed Countries Group (LEG) in form of the NAP Technical Guidelines. Further information on reporting obligations under the UNFCCC can be found here.
About GIZ’s Climate Policy Support Programme
GIZ’s Climate Policy Support Programme aims at developing and mainstreaming innovative approaches to tackle the challenges of climate change in the context of German Development Cooperation.
On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), it supports developing countries in their efforts to mitigate climate change and to adapt efficiently to its impacts. Through conceptual and practical activities, Climate Policy Support Programme actively contributes to the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges of our time. People and states worldwide are already affected by its destructive impacts. Adaptation to climate change is a strategy with the ultimate goal of avoiding harm and costs that can arise from doing business-as-usual without taking climate change into consideration. was developed for the interested public and adaptation experts to provide information on applying approaches, methods and tools that facilitate the planning and implementation of adaptation action.